5 Tips To Keep Your Kids Bedroom Organized
5 Tips To Keep Your Kids Bedroom Organized

Toys all over the place, clothes sprawled everywhere, books, school worksheets flying around, this is a typical sight in a kid’s bedroom. It can sometimes be a bit stressful for you having to deal with all that clutter, not to mention the noise! And on most days when you are busy, it is very challenging to maintain the room’s cleanliness. We assure you that it is completely okay and normal because we want the kids to have fun. But it is also essential to teach them to tidy things up after, so they will have the natural practice of cleanliness and order as they grow up. 

It will be a whole lot easier and better to educate them when you have prepared the place and set things in order just so they can understand and visualize well. If they see that their stuff is kept in a specific and organized space, they will most likely put it back there. So before you help them with the tidying, we do the organizing. If you wish to add in some kids bedroom storage appliances and furniture, you can also get them to make the job easier. Here are a few helpful tips and tricks to organize your kid’s room and make it a kid-friendly, fun, and learning space!

Eliminate all the trash and unused stuff

The first thing on the list is to put away all the trash like broken toys, unused clothes, papers, and anything you do not need to keep. With children, especially, there will be an addition to their stuff sooner or later as time passes. And there is going to be more stuff that will be left unused. Downsizing the things in their room can give more space for new things.

You don’t necessarily have to throw them away. It would be nice to donate them or recycle them. It is also a good idea to create fun art activities with the kids and recycle the unused things from their rooms.

Sort and arrange their clothes

Another mess that is a constant problem is their clothes. They’re always everywhere, and even the clothes in the drawer or cabinet are all shuffled up. And sometimes, even clean shirts had to be rewashed because of the dirt from the mess. 

With clothes, go through them and bring out the ones that they’ll no longer be using. Kids grow fast, and some clothes don’t fit them anymore. You can store the unused clothes in the garage if perhaps you are planning to hand them down to another kid who could use them in the future or those with sentimental value. A good option is also to donate it!

In sorting the clothes, arrange them according to sections, pants go together, shirts, party clothes, pajamas. It will also help you look for them quickly whenever you are dressing them. Depending on the kids’ ages, put the clothes in a place where you are sure is out of their reach. But if your child is older and responsible enough not to cause a mess, you can teach him/her how to handle his/her clothes.

Put all toys in one place

The next target is the toys! Sometimes it is difficult to put away toys, especially since we bought them. But keeping toys that are broken and unused is just accumulating too much space. In sorting the toys and choosing which to set aside, invite your children to join you and ask them what toys they want to keep. This teaches them that they have to let go of things that are broken or that don’t interest them anymore.

The toys should be stored in one place like a container or box. Show your kids where to put them and encourage them to help you put all those toys in. Once it becomes a continuous practice, tidying up and bringing back the toys in the rightful area will become a natural thing to do for them.

Fix their bed

When was the last time you deep cleaned their bed or vacuumed under? The bed must be one of the cleanest parts of their room because it is where the kids sleep. So clean the bed as well as the area around it until it’s dust-free and spotless. To maximize the bedroom’s space, you can also place storage boxes under the bed. 

And the final step is to make the bed. As you tidy it up, show your children how it is done so they will learn to take the initiative of fixing their bed and can tidy it up by themselves as well.

List some bedroom chores for the kids

If there are simple bedroom chores listed down for the kids, they can practice tidying and organizing their room better because there are steps for them to follow. You can either ask them to fix their bed once they wake up or put their toys back in the storage box once they are finished playing. This does not only keep their room tidy but educates them to clean their room without having to be told because a clean room is a standard.


Organizing your kid’s room and tidying the mess is not going to be much of a burden if you look at it as an opportunity to bond with your children and educate them about cleanliness. To spice up the room’s organization and placement a little, there are bedroom storage ideas that you can find online that will make the kid’s room a lot more kid-friendly and easy to clean.

By Admin

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