Erectile dysfunction is a situation in which an erection is not achieved or maintained for more than 3 months. The direct causes are old age, smoking, drinking, diabetes, high blood pressure, cerebrovascular disease, etc. In addition, psychological factors such as emotional stress, depression, or anxiety disorders other than physical reasons can also cause erectile dysfunction.

ED is one of the most popular problems in middle-aged men. However, recently, these symptoms of erectile dysfunction are spreading to younger generations as well. The reason for the increase in the number of erectile dysfunction is the inability to properly relieve fatigue and stress.

There are factors that interfere with an intimate life but also cause stress and headaches for men. If you look at the causes of erectile dysfunction, 30% are psychological causes, and 70% of other causes are physical problems.

The physiological mechanism of erectile dysfunction, but the answer to preventing erectile dysfunction can be found in lifestyle.

Lifestyle Habits to Prevent ED

  1. Healthy eating: Avoid foods high in saturated fatty acids and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Cholesterol control: Atherosclerosis in the blood vessels of the penis is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction. In the case of high cholesterol, it is necessary to undergo cholesterol control.
  3. Maintain normal weight: If you are obese, you should control your weight
  4. Regular exercise: Start exercising that you can start without feeling burdened in your daily life. It is also very important for stress control.

Treatment begins with diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, etc., and improvement of lifestyle habits such as smoking, obesity, and poor exercise.

When erectile dysfunction persists despite lifestyle changes, oral medications are prescribed. These medications can only have the maximum effect when appropriate physical stimulation precedes them.

Healthy foods

Interest in healthy foods that can prevent erectile dysfunction is growing, and research results show that red ginseng can have a good effect on alleviating erectile dysfunction. Red ginseng can be considered a good health food for modern people who are prone to fatigue. Red ginseng not only improves immunity but also improves blood circulation and is effective as an antioxidant.

These results are interpreted thanks to the saponin component contained in red ginseng. Saponin plays a role in helping blood circulation smoothly, and it leads to improvement in erectile dysfunction by improving blood circulation in the cavernous smooth muscle, which affects erection. An animal experiment on 60 rats revealed the structure in which saponin plays a role in improving erection.

In addition, red ginseng has the effect of lowering the level of cortisol. This hormone occurs due to stress at work or daily life, which helps to prevent erectile dysfunction caused by psychological problems. However, there is a limit to relying only on healthy foods such as red ginseng, and regular exercise or maintaining a regular lifestyle. Cenforce 100 and Super P Force are more important to prevent erectile dysfunction.

Smoking and avoiding alcohol

Alcohol and smoking are risk factors influencing erectile dysfunction. Smoking impairs blood circulation around the prostate. Studies have shown that smoking the risk of erectile dysfunction. Drinking interferes with the activity of male hormones by causing problems in the secretion of neurotransmitters that dilate the penis. In addition to erectile dysfunction, if you want to prevent other urinary tract diseases, smoking cessation and abstinence from alcohol must come first.

Lowering testosterone levels

Testosterone is an important hormone for maintaining a normal erection. Many erectile dysfunction patients are accompanied by male menopause when male hormones decrease. If you can improve your testosterone levels, it can go a long way in improving your erectile dysfunction.

Of these, only the cardiorespiratory fitness test results showed a significant correlation with testosterone levels. In other words, it confirmed the possibility of increasing male hormone levels through the aerobic exercise that can strengthen cardiorespiratory fitness.

In addition, the higher the body fat and abdominal fat percentage, the lower the testosterone level.

It is known that aromatase, mainly distributed in adipose tissue, contributes to lowering testosterone levels by converting testosterone into estrogen, a female hormone.

Regular exercise

When it comes to male hormones, a lumpy and muscular body is often associated with it, but aerobic exercise, such as running and biking, seems to help improve erection by increasing testosterone levels.

After performing an exercise ability test and body composition test on 87 patients with erectile dysfunction, the correlation with the male hormone (testosterone) level was analyzed.

The exercise ability test was evaluated in six categories: a cardiorespiratory fitness test, a flexibility test, a muscular endurance test, a muscular strength test, an agility test, and a balance test.

To strengthen the lower body

It is important to exercise for the prevention of male erectile dysfunction by strengthening the lower body and helping blood circulation.

The blood vessels to the penis come from the aorta, so if you keep working hard to manage your lower body, Fildena 100 and Cenforce 200 will be effective in preventing male erectile dysfunction. Examples include jogging, swimming, and wakeboarding.

Enough sleep

  • It is important to relieve stress and get enough sleep
  • Stress is also said to be the root of all diseases. That’s why it
  • It is necessary to release stress every time you do it without accumulating it.
  • Also, there is no medicine as effective as getting enough sleep.
  • It is essential to change your eating habits correctly

Erectile dysfunction is caused by high blood pressure and diabetes.

Therefore, it is important to prevent high blood pressure and diabetes to prevent male erectile dysfunction. It is recommended to refrain from meat or fatty foods and eat many fresh fruits and vegetables.

By Admin

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