Keys To Burn Fat Without Losing Muscle

Most of the time, getting a fitness body in a sports person is not a matter of losing weight, it is a matter of losing fat, gaining muscle and getting definition. For that you must propose adequate training and also a good nutritional plan, supplementation included. You can easily get your nutritional supplements on discounts with Amazon promo codes.

Be very careful with reducing your activity exclusively to cardiovascular training or with an excessive limitation of caloric intake, in both cases it is true that you will lose fat, but you will also lose muscle mass, causing the metabolism to slow down and less and less calories.

It is much more efficient to orient your training towards muscle gain, keep in mind that the muscle needs a lot of energy for the simple fact of being there, so that your metabolism will increase as you gain muscle and you can eat more without gaining adipose tissue. That is why we propose a training and a supplement aimed at this goal of burning fat, but be careful, without putting the muscle at risk, on the contrary, we seek to stimulate it and recover better after training wear.

Why preserve muscle while losing fat

It is clear that when we lose body weight we lose part of fat and part of lean mass within which we find muscle, however, if we manage to preserve muscle and eliminate more fat, we will not only achieve a more aesthetic body but also an organism healthier .

In addition, it is essential to minimize muscle loss if we want to keep our metabolism active, since the greater the muscle mass the more calories we burn at rest and therefore, the easier it will be to lose fat and decrease the risks of suffering a rebound effect.

So, when we lose weight or seek to eliminate the fat that covers the muscles, it is essential not only to focus our attention on oxidizing the lipids stored in our body, but also, minimizing muscle loss or sustaining its proportions in our body.

Although it is not an easy task to achieve, you can burn fat without losing muscle by paying special attention to our diet and our training.

Keys to burn fat minimizing muscle loss

If you want to make the muscles look when you have eliminated a large part of the fat stored in your body, it is essential to take into account the following keys that will allow you to preserve the muscles while eliminating lipids from the body :

Produce a calorie deficit , that is, consume less than what you spend each day. It is enough to reduce between 500 and 1000 Kcal every day, as a major deficit can “scare” our body, which will resist burning fat and, on the contrary, can eliminate muscle. You can calculate how many calories you need as indicated in Vitónica and then subtract about 500 Kcal.

Losing 1% of body weight per week , since at this rate the body loses more fat and minimizes muscle loss, while losing weight sharply ensures greater lean mass loss and a short-term rebound effect. So, if you weigh 80 kilos, a reasonable loss is around 800 grams or less, per week.

Do aerobic and moderate intensity training to burn fat, or train at intervals from moderate intensity to high intensity in a short time, as we show you when we gave advice to burn fat .

Ensure a good intake of lean proteins in your daily diet, so as to favor the maintenance of muscle mass without adding unnecessary fat or calories. For example, you can consume yogurt or skim milk, low-fat meats, fish or egg white.

Train your muscles intensely , so that they retain their activity and thus do not lose volume or strength but quite the opposite. In addition, we must not forget that muscles are necessary to burn fat, therefore, train your muscles with heavy weights, running on treadmill and loads if you want to sustain your lean mass while losing fat.

Eliminate empty calories from the diet that will only add energy and will not facilitate the achievement of a caloric deficit. That is, try to avoid sugar and foods that contain it, as well as avoid alcohol that in addition to adding calories prevents fat burning.

With these keys to burn fat without losing muscle you can achieve your goal of having a healthier and aesthetically attractive body, because you will maintain a good shape and more tonicity thanks to the muscles still present in your body.

Remember that when you lose weight, it is not only important to reduce the kilos shown by the scale, but it is essential that those kilos are mostly fat and not muscle.

A more muscle and less fat more health and more aesthetic for your body, therefore, do not forget the keys given above if you want to achieve valuable benefits.


Selena is a blogger and a guest contributor for a well-known brand that includes MESHEBLE & INTHEMARKET. In her leisure time, she plays tennis.

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