Impotence can be cured with some exercises that you can try at home because it is beneficial for blood flow.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is a problem that often makes men stressed because love with a partner will be disrupted. Usually, this physical problem often occurs in older men, but young men can experience it. Therefore, let’s identify a variety of sports to overcome impotence.

Of course, overcoming impotence can be in various ways. One of them is doing sports activities that can improve blood flow to be erected hard and long.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is a disorder in which the inability to maintain an erection.

In general, impotence is caused by two factors. Physical factors such as diabetes, hypertension, heart. And can also be caused by psychological factors such as stress, depression, anxiety, fear.

Of course, there are many ways to overcome impotence. Usually, patients take various kinds of strong drugs to strengthen erections. Or also usually take medicines that can increase physical arousal.

Sometimes, patients also use medical measures such as surgery or surgery, which is sometimes done if the body cann take drugs. Of course, exercise can also be a safe way to overcome impotence that must be applied from the start so that that erectile dysfunction can be overcome as early as possible.

Impotence can be cured with these sports

Impotence is a nightmare for all men in the world. When experiencing this problem, of course, performance in bed will decrease, and your partner will not be satisfied.

The types of exercise that overcome impotence:


Cardiovascular exercise, such as swimming, can help increase your intake of oxygen through the bloodstream throughout your body, including your health. In addition, this type of exercise can also lose weight to make you feel more confident in bed.

Gymnastics and aerobic exercise

They can be caused by obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, & cardiovascular disease. These various diseases can inhibit and reduce blood flow to the body.

Well, according to research, routinely doing gymnastics and aerobic exercise can help overcome these problems. If you have erectile dysfunction, it is recommended to regularly do aerobic exercise at least 4 times a week, for 40 minutes per session.


A study shows that a regular 30-minute walk every day can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. If done regularly, walking is believed to be able to improve stamina and physical activity.

Although it looks simple but effective to overcome impotence. Because walking every day can improve brain function, increase libido and physical arousal.

Then start regularly walking for at least 30 minutes. Because the fat in the stomach will slowly disappear and also around the vital organs will slowly disappear.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are one of the sports options to treat erectile dysfunction. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles in the lower pelvis, particularly the pubococcygeus muscle. This muscle controls the occurrence of orgasm in men.

By doing Kegels regularly for 4 to 6 weeks, the ability to get an erection will generally get better. Do it 3 times a day followed by other types of exercise.

Cenforce 150 and Fildena 150 to overcome impotent or ED because this Kegel exercise is done by moving the body and aerobics. This exercise is done by moving the muscles in the abdomen and anus.

Kegel exercises can be done, such as holding urination or defecation. The inner muscles are held for a while then released again; this exercise can be done for 5 seconds 10-20 times a day.


Sometimes stress problems can make it difficult for them to have an erection. So the patient must be able to release all burdens to enjoy his intimate life.

By doing yoga, all the damaged nervous system, especially, becomes calm and normal again. In addition, the movements in yoga can increase the flexibility of the body so as not to get sick quickly. Do yoga regularly so that the problem is quickly resolved.

Lift weights

One way to quickly improve body performance is to lift weights. Because by lifting weights, the muscles in the body will run well, blood flow to the heart becomes smooth, which can have an impact on erectile dysfunction, which is quickly resolved.

It is recommended to do the lifting weights, for a week 3-5 times is enough to improve body performance.

Thus exercise that can overcome impotence, in addition to sports, of course, must be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle to be able to improve physical performance.

A powerful way to treat impotence:

Applying a healthy lifestyle

Indeed, if you want to be healthy, you must also adopt a healthy lifestyle. Impotence treatment must also be followed by a healthy lifestyle. Aurogra 100 and Vidalista 60 to treat impotence, a healthy lifestyle can also prevent impotence. For those of you who want to know how the hell is a healthy lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle can be done in the following ways:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Quit smoking
  • Get enough rest
  • Eat a balanced nutritious diet
  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages

If you are impotence due to psychological causes, you can treat it by coming to a psychiatrist. The type of treatment used in psychotherapy. In this way, people with impotence and their partners can discuss with a psychologist or various psychiatrist problems that cause stress or anxiety and improve the thought patterns that trigger impotence.

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