No matter the kind of animal facility, each space requires partitions to keep the occupants safe and separate in their sections. Doggie daycares are facilities where you can leave your pet to be looked after, while you attend to important business or go on a vacation where you cannot take them along. While panels are important for every facility that handles animals, they are particularly essential for doggie daycares because each kennel can have animals of different sizes, breeds, and activity levels.
The most popular options for kennel panels include Starlite, stainless steel, cross-ventilation, and more. You can choose between different panels depending on the needs of the facility and the type of animals to be kept in the kennels. Panels can also be chosen based on their designs and colors such that they blend with the design of the doggie daycare facility. If you are in the search of the right type of panels for your doggie daycare kennels, you can rely on this handy guide to help you decide. Read on to find out more about the best kennel options available today.
Type of Panels Should Doggie Daycares
Starlite Kennel Side Panels
Starlite side panels are one of the safest and most popular types of side panels available for doggie daycare kennels. These panels are made from High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) that is hypo-allergenic and resistant to all environmental harms, including stains, moisture, bad odors, scratches, and more. These kennel side panels come mounted in heavy-duty stainless steel (TYPE 304) that ensures the durability and longevity of the product. These side panels are ideal for use at daycares, animal shelters, vet clinics, and more.
Cross-Ventilation Grill Panels
These panels feature a cross-ventilation design that fits perfectly at doggie daycares that have kennel floor plans with built-in partitions. These kennel panels allow the free flow of air between different units and ensure the optimum temperature within the kennels while allowing each animal to stay within their assigned space. These panels can be used as side panels for kennels or as block walls between adjacent spaces to divide them into smaller units for animals.
Stainless Steel Panels
Stainless steel panels are the toughest options for panels used in kennels for doggie daycares, vet clinics, and animal shelters. These panels are constructed using 1.25-inch stainless steel tubing that is hand-welded and polished to ensure strength. To add to the structural integrity of the panels, the kennel isolation partition has a cross-break formation within its pressed stainless-steel design. These panels are perfect for heavy-duty doggie daycare center kennels, especially for highly active dog breeds.
High-quality side panels are crucial to all heavy-duty dog kennels, whether they are used for a small vet clinic or a large animal shelter or rescue facility. These panels can help you separate the assigned animal spaces so that each animal has its own section to play in. Choosing the right kind of doggie daycare kennel comes down to your preferences for its design and functionality.