Use CBD Oil

One in seven Americans have use CBD oil and it’s easy to see why. Many find that this compound helps them manage several different health issues and others find that it’s great when used to relax after work or school.

So if you want to start using CBD oil, you need to know how to use CBD oil. If you use it the wrong way, you’re not going to feel the full effects. If you don’t buy the right kind of CBD oil, you probably won’t feel anything!

In this guide, we’re going to take a look at how to use CBD, from which kind of CBD to buy to how to take it. Are you ready to learn more? Then read on!

Choose the Right CBD Oil

There are several different types of CBD oil available and choosing the right one can make a massive difference to your experience. In this section, we’ll take a look at some of the different types of CBD oil on the market and their pros and cons.

CBD Isolate

First off, you have CBD isolate. This is, as the name implies, nothing but CBD. There are no other cannabinoids in here (not in significant amounts, anyway).

If you’ve had a bad experience with marijuana in the past and would like to try using CBD, then isolate isn’t a bad choice. It’s also going to be the better option if you’re likely to be drug tested at work, as it’s less likely to show up as a positive result for marijuana than other types of oil.

Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil

Broad-spectrum CBD oils contain a lot more cannabinoids than CBD isolate. It’s less refined, which means that you’re going to find compounds like CBG and CBN in the oil.

Some feel that these other compounds contribute to the effects of CBD. If you’ve never had a bad experience with marijuana and want to try dipping your toes into the world of CBD, then broad-spectrum is a good starting point.

Full-spectrum CBD Oil

While broad-spectrum oil does contain a lot of other cannabinoids, it’s missing out one of the most famous: THC. THC is the compound in marijuana that gets you high and has some other positive effects on the body, too. This means that when you take full-spectrum CBD oil, you get the entourage effect in full.

This effect is the name given to the benefits that some people get from using marijuana extracts that contain all the key cannabinoids. If you want to experience the effect to its fullest without rolling a joint, you need to use full-spectrum CBD oil.

How Much CBD Oil to Take

Now that you’ve chosen your CBD oil, you need to know how much to take. As with most products, you’re better off starting slow. Taking too much CBD shouldn’t harm you, but it might make you feel drowsy or nauseous.

So, how much is the right amount? It will depend on the concentration of your CBD. Take a look at how much CBD is in the entire bottle.

A dropper tends to hold 1 ml of liquid, so if you’ve got a 10 ml bottle of 1000 mg CBD, you know that your dropper contains 100 mg of CBD.

Each dropper contains around 30 drops, which means that each drop should contain around 3 mg of CBD.

We’d recommend that you start out taking around 40 mg of CBD per day. If you want to take more, you should increase it by 5 mg the following week, and five more the week after, and so on.

Please note that for different uses, you’ll need different amounts of CBD. We’d recommend speaking to a doctor if you’re unsure how much to take.

How to Use CBD Oil

Now that you know how much to take, it’s time to actually, well, take some! Your first instinct is probably to put the drops into your mouth and then swallow, but don’t do this! If you do this, your body won’t absorb that much CBD, and you’ll be wasting your time.

Instead, put the drops under your tongue and hold them there for around a minute. CBD absorbs very well here, so you’re getting more of it into your system.

Then swallow it and go about your day!


A lot of people are a bit wary about trying CBD. In this section, we’re going to answer the most common questions that people have about CBD.

Are There Any Side Effects?

High-quality CBD tends to have minimal side effects, but some people report getting a dry mouth, feeling drowsy or dizzy, or feeling nauseous. While rare, it’s also possible to have an allergic reaction.

If you’re taking any medications, speak to a doctor before trying CBD, as it can interact with some medicines.

Are There Other Way to Take CBD?

If you’re not a fan of CBD oil, there are many other ways to take it. You can buy CBD balms, tinctures, vape liquids, bath bombs, and more.

What Is CBD Made From?

Despite being a cannabinoid, not all CBD is made from the same marijuana plants that you’d smoke. A lot of CBD is made from hemp, which is a member of the cannabis family with naturally low THC levels.

Will CBD Get Me High?

CBD won’t get you high, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any noticeable effects. Many people who use CBD notice that they feel more relaxed while remaining clearheaded.

Ready to Try CBD?

Now that you know how to use CBD oil, nothing is stopping you from giving it a shot. Just make sure that you’re buying your CBD from a reputable seller that cares about their product, and always speak to your doctor before trying it.

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