Artificial Intelligence: A New Method of Recruitment

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The job of human resource managers is challenging because they have to shortlist the best talent that ensures the maximum contribution to the growth of a company. Despite a lot of hard efforts, many of them fail to hire competent staff that leads to a lengthy recruitment process, which means higher cost.

To whittle down the hiring cost and ensure the hiring of the best talent, many companies are merging artificial intelligence (AI) into recruitment process with the hope that it can help to onboard and improve the experience of employees.

According to a survey, around 70% of employers believe that AI can drive significant value to recruitment and most of the HR recruiters backed up this school of thought saying that it has the power to transform its key dimensions.

Although AI can help companies with recruitment, most of the companies are unlikely to adopt it, and some do not feel the need for incorporating it in HR departments. It is still a question of whether to implement AI or not. Well, whatever the reason for not implementing it in your recruitment method, you should know how it can completely change the dynamics.

It makes onboarding successful

Onboarding is a crucial stage when a new employee is made familiar with the entire staff and work responsibility. The role of HR managers does not end as soon as they hire a candidate. They also need to arrange the onboarding process.

However, it is not possible for them all the time to stay with new candidates to guide them whom to turn to if they want to acquire further information. Besides, asking the neighbour desk about something is not possible every time as they may work in a different department.

Here companies will need AI. IBM is creating AI-integrated system competent enough to answer questions of candidates.

  • AI-integrated systems can help new candidates to receive onboard training and know locations and contact information for people they need to connect with on their first day.
  • Now companies do not need to rely on trainers to give instructions to new candidates because AI can handle this job efficiently.

If you are new to AI and do not much know about its benefits to the recruitment, you should start with investing onboarding AI software. Leaving it upon them will help you focus on core activities that will lead to faster business growth.

It supports the decision-making process

AI-integrated solutions can help with the day-to-day decision-making process. HR managers usually need to make decisions about leave requests made by employees, their performance, team training, and hiring processes. Now AI-integrated solutions can perform all these tasks effectively.

  • Employees do not need to wait for days to have the approval of their leaves because AI software can immediately scan who is already booked for leaves on the same day. This is difficult for HR recruiters because they have to check the calendar manually and before approving, they need to consult the employer. Now you do not go through this as AI software has shared this burden.
  • Employees often get anxious and offended after having a word with the client because sometimes they talk rudely. This more often than not affects all meetings of the day, especially if they are lined up back to back. AI-integrated solutions can quickly assess employees’ mood and identify if they need a break before the next meeting.
  • Now HR manager and employers do not need to involve in training sessions because AI software is competent to provide training effectively and efficiently. It can also notify the need of training sessions by analysing the performance of employees.
  • AI software can speed up the hiring process because it can tap into data sources and help HR manager get a deep insight into the profile of candidates that facilitate in hiring the best talent quickly.

It encourages an unbiased approach

The HR manager must hire the best candidates without any biases. Experts say that sometimes HR managers get biased while hiring candidates, although it is not always conscious bias. Such preferences may find their way into every stage of hiring from resume selection to job description.

However, with AI software, the hiring process does not need to be biased at all. They use algorithms that remove such bias patterns in the language used in job descriptions. They can help HR managers welcome several applications and improve their communication style during the hiring process.

AI can contribute a lot to the HR department. Despite such benefits, most of the employers do not want to incorporate it because they do not have enough budget. If money is restricting you from investing in AI, you can take out a guaranteed payday loan with a direct lender.

Author: Alpha Sheri