All You Need to Know About BCAA in Bodybuilding

When it comes to bodybuilding supplements, all one can think about are whey protein, creatine, and arginine. However, there is a supplement that has been in the shadows for so long and has been making a quiet comeback– BCAA.

What is BCAA?

Branched Chain Amino Acid or BCAA consists of three of the nine essential amino acids, ones that cannot be produced by your body. The three acids are Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. They are referred to as branched-chain amino acids due to their structure, which has branch-like outcropping. The reason BCAAs are as crucial as they are considered to be is the fact that they make up one-third of all the amino (there are 20 in total) acids in our body.

However, what makes them unique is their two-fold function in the body and how it is digested. Unlike other amino acids, they don’t go to your liver, they go straight to your muscles to be used as fuel or build muscle, depending on the body’s need. Therefore, when in rest, they contribute to muscle building, and during a workout, they act as the fuel. This is reason enough for any fitness enthusiast to buy BCAA supplements online, but bodybuilders have exclusive benefits from them.

How does BCAA help bodybuilders?

1. Boost in Energy

We receive a lot of our BCAA requirements from natural sources like protein-rich foods without having to buy BCAA supplements online. However, during an intense workout such as the one bodybuilder often has to do, our body burns through most of our BCAA reserves, leaving little for muscle growth and us more than a little tired.

The intake of BCAA supplements before a workout can give you increased amounts of energy, making you exercise longer and harder by providing direct fuel source. Moreover, it is proven to reduce the levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine in our brains, the chemical responsible for the body to feel fatigued, and reduce muscle strength and endurance.

2. Boost in Growth and Strength

Out of the three BCAAs, Leucine is found to be the most effective when it comes to muscle growth. It is so due to the dual effect it has on muscles, first through increasing insulin levels (an anabolic hormone promoting protein synthesis) and second through direct instigation of muscle synthesis. This is not to say you should not buy BCAA supplements online and focus solely on the amino acid. Having all the BCAAs can promote increased levels of growth hormone, indirectly leading to muscle growth.

Aside from the muscle growth promotion, taking BCAA supplements before workout enables the body to maintain its muscle glycogen levels. Muscle glycogen is stored as carb in muscle cells and is usually used as fuel, dropping its levels and compromising the muscle size. By fueling the muscles, BCAA supplements give fuller muscles, which provide increased strength during workout.

3. Boost in Fat Loss

Studies have found that a combination of a low-calorie diet and BCAA supplements facilitate more weight loss and fat reduction in the body. According to scientific research, of the three BCAAs, Leucine may have more fat-loss effects due to the increased protein synthesis by the amino acid.

The amino acid is found to have decreased hunger in individuals taking the supplements. A study on a rat, where Leucine was injected into its brain, found that the subject has less food and gained the least amount of weight compared to the ones without the injection. However, despite the benefits of Leucine, we suggest you buy BCAA supplements online instead of focusing solely on the amino acid to get holistic gains.

Bottom Line

BCAAs have multiple benefits when it comes to enhancing a bodybuilder’s performance. However, one cannot merely buy BCAA supplements online without knowing its constituents and their needs. Therefore, a keen eye when choosing the right supplement is key to enjoying all the good BCAAs offer.

Author: jenijohnson