6 Advice to Improve Your Blog Writing

Writing a blog post is not difficult. Sketch an idea, jot down your points on a piece of paper, and build a story based on your idea. Done.

However, writing posts after a post is difficult. Keeping readers engaged is difficult; coming up with ideas regularly is difficult.

Growing a blog is difficult.

Those who have established their authority in this space know what I mean.

Therefore, today I will share some of my experiences which I learnt from running a small blog on writing English. My main focus will be on ideas that kept me running such a blog.

Here is my 7 Advice to Improve Your Blog Writing.

1. Get Ideas From Life

Recently, I met a colleague to discuss our business. We got to know each other and discussed several aspects of running an online business. He also inspired me with his journey.

During our conversation, he mentioned his philosophy about life and said that he was still trying to figure out his meaning of life.

Wow! Indeed a great topic for a new blog post.

If we observe our daily life and keep an open mind, there is no scarcity of ideas.

Take inspiration from your life and make posts.

2. Look Into Old Memories

In her book Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott has discussed this strategy. When you are short with ideas, write about your old memory.

Of course, there is more than just this idea. Sometimes, it may look odd while writing old memories. But they become interesting once you are on track.

There are several blogs on old memories. Go, read them. You will find ideas, more often than usual.

Remember, being personal on a blog makes you different from others and engages your readers.

3. Write Often

Writing regularly is difficult. However, there are several bloggers who write regularly.

It seems writing is more passion than a profession to them. But reaching that pinacle is not easy. And every journey starts from a small step. Take your first step and start writing regularly.

It will be difficult, but once you overcome your writer’s block, you will be able to reach that level also.

So, make writing your hobby. A hobby that you can cherish upon.

4. Keep A Notebook Handy

As I already said, ideas are everywhere, and you have to find them yourself. Keep a place to write to them as well. You can carry a small notebook or a copy.

If you are not fond of this old fashioned practice, use apps like Google Keep or Evernote. You will see an overwhelming change in your writing.

5. Read More

Are you running out of ideas? Reading books and blogs can help you a lot.

Reading stories and non-fictions will fill your mind with ideas. Moreover, it will expose you to the art of writing. The more you learn, the better will be your writing.

Create an account on goodreads or other social reading platforms. I am sure you will come up with more ideas than before.

6. Use Grammar Checkers

This is a bit of technical advice. Being a nonnative English speaker, I face several problems while writing my copy. English is not even my second language.

It takes longer than usual to prepare my articles. When it comes to grammatical mistakes, I tried to keep it checked as much as possible.

Proofreading several times is one of the strategies I always follow. However, checking mistakes manually is not always efficient and hinders the process.

Using proofreading softwares like ProWritingAid, or Grammarly is always better than manual inspection. I use ProWritingAid and have reviewed ProWritingAid in one of my blog posts.

Using such grammar checkers simplify the process of preparing your articles and improves the readability.

These are my 6 ideas on how to improve your blog writing. These approaches are simple to implement, but it takes patience to be successful in this field.

If you follow them, your blog will be full with useful contents. The sky is not the limit. Go beyond that.

Author: GA Watson