10 Best Home Date Night Ideas

date jar

We always recommend you start by making a date jar and every week on date night, pick out a date at random, and no matter what it is, you have to do it!

For home date night ideas go on the yellow slips in your date jar. They are great for everyone but especially great for parents after the kids are in bed. The ideas have to align with every Men’s interests or Women’s desires to be fun and memorable.

10 Best Home Date Night Ideas

Here is a list of 10 at home date night ideas:

Sit outside and watch the stars together — The beauty of just sitting outside is an awesome conversation is sparked from the peace.

Popcorn & a movie — I know this sounds so cliche, but it’s a blast every time! Do you need movie inspiration? Check out IMDB great list of romantic comedies.

Camp out in the living room — There’s something magical about snuggling up under a big pile of blankets and watch the news or sports.

Bake together in the kitchen — pick something scrumptious you both love and is fun to make. Baklava is always a fun one to make!

Play video games together — If you have a Wii or Kinect, it’s fun to get a little active and silly together! Or try your hand at your husband’s favourite game, you may not be as bad as you think.

Play a board game — Check out this post Games for Date Night with a Twist.

Play indoor golf — Set up a mini-course in your living room, down the hall and around to the kitchen using plastic cups or a small cardboard box on its side as the hole. If the ball touches the wall, it counts as an extra turn.

Surprise pizza night — Order delivery pizza & leave him a note telling him his dinner surprise will be arriving at the door in 15 minutes.

Pack a picnic — Spread out your blanket on the living room floor or in your backyard and enjoy some fun treats that you don’t normally have.

Meet me in the bedroom — This Game of Love is pretty much the best surprise ever.

Have other surprise ideas? Leave them in the comment section below.

Author: Donald Max
Donald Max is a Content & Outreach Manager for Thecustompackaging, a leading e-commerce packaging company that provides end-to-end custom box solutions for companies both small and large.