High School Math: 5 Tips for Helping Your Child With Homework

High School Math - 5 Tips for Helping Your Child With Homework

High school is already hard enough. Adding math into the equation (pun intended) certainly does not make anything easier. As a parent, you certainly want to help your child succeed, but how exactly can you do that when you aren’t in class with them? 

Obviously, your high school student doesn’t need you in class with them. However, there are several things you can do to help your child with high school math homework. Here are five important things to keep in mind!

Stay Positive  

Especially if your child (or you yourself) struggles with math, it can be tempting to approach homework from a place of fear. However, fear never helps anyone and it’s important to help your child develop a love of math and a sense of confidence. 

The key is to stay positive and help them develop a positive mindset themselves. Instead of allowing them to develop a negative self-image when it comes to math, keep encouraging them to try again. This will help them develop more of a growth mindset from within!

Embracing Difference 

Obviously, we all had to go through high school math at some point. Now that your child is going through it themselves, you might be surprised to see how some methods may have changed and how they might approach things differently from how you might. 

There isn’t always one right way to do things.

Whether it’s approaching a concept from a new angle, attempting a problem with a different strategy, or maybe just studying in a way that feels unfamiliar to you, it’s OK! Learning to embrace differences and change is key to providing support as a parent. 

Let Them Teach You 

If you’re helping your child with homework or studying, it might be best to resist the urge to lecture them and over-explain concepts that you understand.

Instead, try letting your child teach you concepts. Sometimes, teaching can actually be a great way for students to learn what they do and don’t understand. This will also help you to learn to embrace differences as we previously discussed. 

Utilizing Technology 

One of the great things about the world we live in is that there is a technological solution to basically any problem you can think of – even math problems! 

If you’re unclear of exactly how to help your child, it might be wise to seek a solution online. There are plenty of youtube tutorials out there as well as more targeted online math programs, like the trigonometry application problems offered by Derivita. 

Stay Informed 

It’s also a good idea to encourage your child to stay informed by communicating with their teachers. Teach your child now that it’s always good to ask questions when they need help! 

Another important way to help your child with high school math is to stay informed. If you can stay on top of specific academic standards that your child should be meeting you will have a better idea as to how you can help them. 

Preparing Your Child for High School Math 

It can be hard for any student to prepare for high school math, and it can be equally challenging for you to know exactly how to help them. However, hopefully, now you have some tools that can help you help your child so that you can both be empowered! 

Keep exploring the site for more education-related tips and tricks! 

Author: avinashmittal