This Is How to Set Up an Office for Work

set up an office

With COVID still in full swing, many people are making the permanent transition to working from home. While remote work is convenient and gives you more time to spend with your loved ones, productivity can be a bit of a problem. How to set up an office.

Telling your children and pets that you need to work goes in one ear and out the other. Not to mention that it’s easy for your desk to pile up with takeout boxes and garbage.

We can teach you how to set up an office that will keep your work train on the right track despite these distractions. Check out this guide to learn what you should do with your setup.

Choosing Office Necessities

So, what goes in an office? Obviously, you’ll need some kind of desk, your computer, and something you can use for paperwork storage? That’s not all the features you should be thinking about, however.


No office is complete without a nice desk. It needs to be spacious enough to fit your computer, phone, and any other supplies that are required for your job.

It should be tall enough for you to set both feet on the floor with your hands parallel to the ground. To prevent arm strain, make sure that you’ll be able to reach your keyboard comfortably.

For ergonomic reasons, you should consider picking up a standing desk. Not only do these types of desks make people more productive, but they also keep away many diseases that are associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

This being said, you shouldn’t stand all day. Switching back and forth between sitting and standing will keep you healthy and comfortable as you work.


Most jobs require you to have a computer. Some companies will provide one for you. Others want you to have one before you start the job.

Quality is important. It should have enough memory to be able to handle what you have to do. This being said, you don’t want to pay for more than you’ll ever use.

If you simply fill out data sheets or send emails, a cheap Chromebook can handle that. If you do graphic design, however, you’ll need to spring for the best graphics card on the market. You can begin your business laptop search at

Internet Access

Most jobs require you to have internet access. Your job is important, so this is another area where you can’t skimp. Go ahead and get the best router that you can.

Opt for the fastest speeds and talk to your internet provider about getting a business package.

Office Chair

Since you’ll be seated for most of your day, you must choose a chair that will keep you comfortable. It’s hard to concentrate on your workday when you spend most of your time fidgeting.

The back of your chair should support the natural curve of your spine. There’s a good chance that any chair you buy won’t be the right height. This being said, get an adjustable one.

Having adjustable armrests will keep your shoulders at the right height. Material is more of a personal preference, but it is something important to consider if you want to be comfortable.


Even if you try to go completely paperless, there will come a time when you need to print out something for your records. When this happens, you’ll be glad that you had a storage cabinet to put it in.

This is especially true if you’re a remote worker. In many cases, you’ll be given a 1099 when tax time rolls around. You’ll need to keep up with all your receipts and expenses to be able to file accurately.

Office Location is Important 

Now that you’ve gathered everything necessary for set up an office, it’s time to choose a location for it. If you work from home, you want it to be a room that’s as far away from distractions as possible.

Consider soundproofing measures and make sure that it’s not connected to any other room. If it is, you won’t be able to write it off on your taxes.


Your lighting will cast a certain mood over your entire work office. It’s a pretty big deal that most people don’t think about. Bad lighting can give you a horrible headache.

It causes eyestrain and it will make you more fatigued than normal. Dark rooms also tend to cause depression. That’s not exactly good for productivity.

Consider working with a few windows open to let in natural light. You can also invest in lamps that you can turn on if you work nights or if it’s a dreary day.

Ideal Work Office Colors 

Lighting isn’t the only thing that can alter your mood. According to color psychology, certain shades can invoke different emotions in people.

Blue is one of the best colors for offices. It promotes productivity and can make you feel calm when you’re under pressure. You can have too much of a good thing, so don’t cover your entire office in shades of blue.

Repainting one of your walls, hanging up a few paintings, or even putting some blue items on your desk will be enough to do the trick.

Noise Control 

Noise can be distracting depending on what kind of noise it is. Your kids screaming outside of your office door might be a bit much, but a little music is fine.

For most people, stark silence is maddening. Buy a pair of noise cancelation headphones and blast your work playlist through them. Just make sure that the music in this playlist doesn’t contain lyrics.

If it does, you might get so distracted performing a one-man concert that you don’t get any work done.

Play with the Thermostat

Warmer rooms make people more productive. Think about turning up the thermostat even if you enjoy cooler rooms. If you work in a corporate office, you don’t get much choice in the matter.

You’ll have to bring a sweater or suffer. If you work from home, feel free to play around with the thermostat or open the windows if it’s warm out.

Room Scent

Yes, even the smells wafting through the air in your office can affect how you work. Burn candles or diffuse oils to give yourself a nice pick-me-up.

As far as what scents can help you feel more alert, pine and citrus are always good choices. If you’re feeling stressed out, you can diffuse lavender for a while, but you don’t want to overdo it. If you do, it will calm you down too much.

Air Quality 

Bad air quality can negatively impact how your brain functions. It can also lead to sickness that will drive down your productivity. You may even have to take time off to recover.

Let some fresh air circulate through the room by opening the doors and windows. You can also have air filters installed or pick up a plant or two.

Buy a Plant 

Buying a plant will do more than increase the air quality in your set up an office. Being around nature has a calming effect that will help you keep your head on straight.

It will make you feel happier and more energetic. They can give you a nice boost of creativity. They can absorb any loud sounds that make their way into your office, and yes, having them will stop you from getting sick as often.

Keep Your Space Organized 

Organization preferences vary from person to person. People say that you should do your best to keep your desk cleaned off, but some people thrive in messiness.

Even if you have papers scattered around, you should try to implement some level of organization. It’s hard to work if you can’t find anything or if you’re knocking all your things over.

You can do this by only keeping the things you use every day in reach. You can stuff your less used office supplies in a drawer. If your phone tends to distract you, find a place to put it where it’s out of sight.

How to Set Up an Office That Will Keep You Productive 

It’s hard to be productive when you’re working from home or, even if you’re in a traditional office setting. The best thing you can do to keep yourself on task is to learn how to set up an office the right way. Start with some of the tips that you’ve read here and go from there.

If you need more tips for setting up your office, feel free to check out the Business & Finances section of our blog.

Author: avinashmittal