What is StudyStream Focus Room? How Does it Work?

What is StudyStream Focus Room

Are you a school or university student and facing problems while studying at home? If yes, don’t panic as you are in the right place. We understand that it is quite difficult to be productive when you’re at home. Problems like a lot of distractions, nothing to inspire you, and no company to study with can bother you and even distract you.

These distractions can make you so bother that you may want to give up on it all and watch TV instead. And you have no one to blame for this situation. For many of us, it is not possible to motivate ourselves and this affects our productivity while working at home.

While we know the idea of a learning curve, but nowadays memory science shows that we also have a forgetting curve. If you want to know how much information our mind can grab in a day, so on average, we can expose 100,000 words each day.

However, all the data or all those words are not stored in our memory for long-term storage.  As per research, we can remember information longer if we see it on a repeated basis or if we see it right before our brain is about to forget it.

Focus Rooms Study Stream Zoom feature runs on Zoom for 24*7 and is free to use. These focus rooms offer a virtual platform that allows users to study with many other students. This process is as simple as entering the class. When you join a focus room, you can see other users working, and they can also see you. This basically provides you the atmosphere that you might find in a library or quiet café. The silence while studying will definitely make you more productive.

How does Study Stream Focus Room work?

StudyStream, an online community, helps users to enhance their productivity. Currently, it has more than 100k daily users and it helps them to study together and share their experiences. These features make study more productive and enjoyable. Study Stream Focus room is based on age-old principles and uses a spaced repetition algorithm to provide important facts to users. For example, if you are studying gastrointestinal, then new card with related data will appear on the screen. The flashcard will have the following options:

  • If you choose Don’t Know, then the system will again serve you that card and you need to solve it in about 2 minutes.
  • If you click OK, the system will wait for a day before displaying it to you again.
  • If you answer Nailed It, the system will expand the interval to consecutive 4 days.

Whatever option you select with a card each day, it affects the next interval, since repeated exposures are biased by shorter-term memory.

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How to Use StudyStream Focus Rooms?

As explained, using study focus room zoom is not a difficult task. It is just like entering a classroom with many friends. All you have to do is:

  • Firstly, to use focus rooms run on Zoom, make sure whether the application is installed on your device.
  • Now, open www.studystream.live in your browser and click the ‘Focus Room’ option located in header bar.
  • Select one server from the list of available servers that appear on the screen. Choose any server from the first and second group if you are school or university student, student.
  • Tap the link to open Zoom, after which you will be added to the focus room study stream zoom. Before joining the call, go through the StudyStream community guidelines. These points basically help users to make the focus rooms more productive and supportive.

What Happens to My Camera and Microphone?

Sometimes, you may face problems while joining focus room study stream. These issues may be either related to your device camera or microphone. Whatever the problem you are facing, go through following points to resolve it:

  • When you join studystream zoom call, your microphone will be automatically muted. This is mainly done so that users can focus in the focus rooms. If all the microphones are muted, then you can use voice chat to connect with the global community during open-mic sessions. 
  • It totally depends on you, whether you want to have your camera on or not. Generally, it is recommended to turn it ON as it allows other people who are with you at that time can see you. This obviously makes you feel greater accountability and hence makes you more productive. Other people can also see you studying and thus makes them productive and inspired.
  • Just remember study stream focus rooms are only for studying. If you are found doing any mischief or any inappropriate activity, then you will get banned for breaking community guidelines. Keep this point in mind, especially when your camera is on.

Enjoy studying in the study focus room zoom meeting! It is known as best platform as it allows you to stay on the call as long as you want. The servers are open 24/7 without any interruptions. Feel free to stay in the studystream focus room while you want to take breaks. These breaks will definitely recharge your productivity, but once are done with studying, leave the call so other users can join!

Wrapping Up

Hope, you loved using the focus rooms. In case, if you want to enjoy more amazing features of StudyStream, try to join the global StudyStream community on Discord. It also allows you to make friends, and share ideas with fellow users, and much more.

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Author: Admin