How to Organize and Host an Online Webinar?

How to Organize and Host an Online Webinar

Now a days 95% of marketers consider webinars to be an important part of their promotion strategy. At the same time, 29% of all events fall on the share of software and technology companies, and pharmaceutical and financial companies recruit the maximum number of visitors.

However, even if you did not find your area on this list, you should still pay attention to this promotion channel. A webinar is a great way to build a base of potential customers, warm up your audience, and get new leads. And with the help of online classes, you can train employees and conduct onboarding for newbies. This article will show you how to organize online streaming and get the most out of it.

What Are Webinars?

A webinar is an online lecture, lesson, or presentation that is broadcast live. Recordings of such activities are usually saved and shared, but they are based on live broadcasting. Therefore, during the broadcast, listeners can ask questions, which become part of the lecture.

There are at least five ways to categorize webinars:

  • by type of access – paid and free, open and closed.
  • by purpose – selling, training, entertainment.
  • by the number of presenters – singles, doubles, seminar.
  • content – presentation, lifestyle.
  • relating to interaction mode – live broadcast, auto-webinar.

There are at least five ways to categorize webinars

Choosing a Site for Webinars

You can register on a free site, put a phone in front of you and hold a webinar with a budget of zero rubles. However, in practice, this rarely attracts at least a hundred viewers. The modern Internet is full of content, most of which is of low quality. To stand out from the rest, you have to invest time and a little money.

Creating high-quality content is incredibly hard and usually immediately pays off for the content producer. For example, another learning-focused platform provides top-notch content and has accrued a massive following and user base.

And you can start from the platform you are broadcasting to. Therefore, it is unnecessary to consider only the best sites for webinars; the main thing is to decide on a set of necessary functions. For example, if you organize training courses for employees and partners, you should pay attention to LMS – a learning management system, a platform for organizing e-learning courses. Such sites allow holding an online event and collecting statistics of those present, testing participants, and analyzing the results.

If you’re hosting open events, you can opt for free webinar venues. In addition to the price, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • How many speakers will be able to broadcast at the same time?
  • How many participants can attend the event?
  • Is it possible to turn on a presentation or show a computer screen during the broadcast?
  • Is there an opportunity for feedback?
  • Is it possible to record a webinar, and in what format will it be available?
  • Is it possible to see the statistics of the participants?

Registration for the webinar must be opened 1-2 weeks in advance. Before two weeks, it is worth registering for large-scale events with a large number of speakers. If you start registration later than a week, there is a risk of not having time to collect viewers.

If you are planning a whole cycle of training events, report the topics of the webinars at the end of the broadcast and provide a link to register. This will make it easier for you to gather a warm, interested audience. Also, after the broadcast, you can collect email or other participants’ contacts to send them a recording of the webinar. To reach more users, be sure to record your webinar.

How to Make Your Webinar Effective?

To make sure your audience doesn’t forget about the webinar, send them reminders. You don’t have to be an essay writer – simplicity goes a long way. You can send one message a couple of days and one message a few hours before the event starts. Some send another notification just before the broadcast, but there is a risk of getting a flurry of unsubscriptions due to frequent reminders.

Video and image quality is important for a successful webinar. Take care of quality equipment and expose the light so that harsh shadows do not fall on the speaker’s face and behind him. Experts advise wearing plain clothes and avoid checks and stripes, which create ripples on the screen.

Author: Admin